Dr. Husen Reads Baumeister's Escape from the Self: Alcoholism, Spirituality ....

Here I read Baumeister 1991 book entitled Escape from the Self. I was so impressed with Baumeister's work on the self in his 2022 book entitled The Self Explained that I wanted to read this one which deal with different ways we use to escape from the burden of the self. That burden as described by Baumeister in his more recent book involves his theory that the self evolved to facilitate complex social organization. As such the self is intimately bound to issues of reputation and impression management. 

If you're interested in such constructs as I am read with me.


1. Identity: Paradise or Prison?

2. Why Escape the Self?--The Burden of the Self.

3. The Self Against Itself

4. The Process of Escape



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