William James' Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature
I'm reading William James' Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature . The book was written in 1902. This version from Routledge was published as a Centenary (celebrating it's 100th anniversary) with an introduction from William James' grandson and to Prefatory commentaries by two James Scholars. As with my other readings, I'll read the text and from time to time comment thereon. Enjoy this fascinating, seminal, and mind-expanding book: 1. Introduction 2. Mickey James' Forward 3. E. Taylor's Introduction to VRE 4. J. Carrette's Introduction to VRE, Neuroscience's Amnesia 5. William James' 1902 Preface to VRE 6. Lecture I, Religion and Neurology 7. Lecture II, Circumscription of the Topic 8. Lecture III, The Reality of the Unseen 9. Lectures IV and V, The Religion of the Healthy Minded 10. Lectures VI and VII, The Sick Soul 11. Lecture VI...