Dr. James (Jim) Husen Reads and Thinks His Way Through Baumeister's Self-Explained

 Baumeister's Self Explained

I've started reading Dr. Baumeister's The Self Explained. The hardback hasn't been released yet but the Ebook has. I'm excited to be learning from such a master. I plan to read portions of the book for you so you can follow along if you desire.

Part 1: The Remarkable Human Self 

1. Chapter 1, What is the Self, pp. 3 through 9.

2. Chapter 2, The Self in Social Context, pp. 10 through 21.

3. Chapter 3. How the Western Self was Shaped, pp. 22 through 35. 

4. Chapter, 4, Different Societies Make Different Kinds of Selves, pp. 36 through 41.

5. Chapter 5, Four Pitfalls of Self Theories: No Self, Multiples Selves, True/Authentic Selves, and Self Actualization, pp. 42 through 64.

Part 2: Why Do We Have Selves?

6. Chapter 6: Some Beginnings of Self (pp. 65-73)

7. Chapter 7: How Baby Grows Up To Have a Working Self (pp. 74-93)

8. Chapter 8: Human Groups Need (And Shape) Selves (pp. 94-103).

9. Chapter 9: Moral Reputation as Foundation to Self (pp. 104-113).

10. Chapter 10: The Unity Project: The Unfinished Business of Stitching the Self Together (pp. 114-128).

Part 3: Know Thyself

11. Chapter 11: Self Awareness

12. Chapter 12: Self Knowledge

13. Chapter 13: Why Know Thyself

14. Chapter 14: Building Self Knowledge: How People Learn About Themselves

15. Chapter 15: Accuracy and Illusion

Part 4: Self In Action

16. Chapter 16: Accuracy and Illusion in Self Beliefs

17. Chapter 17: Self in Action

18. Chapter 18: Self-Regulation and Self-Control

19. Chapter 19: Decision Making, Autonomy, and Free Will

Part 5: The Self in Relation to Others

20. Chapter 20: The Interpersonal Self

21. Chapter 21: The Self as Group Member

22. Chapter 22: Self-Presentation

23. Chapter 23: Self as Close Relationship Partner

Part 6: Problems of Self

24. Chapter 24: Problems of the Modern Self

25. Chapter 25: The Stress of Self and Some Escape Routes

26. Chapter 26: Selves and Mental Illness

27. Chapter 27: The Deep Puzzle of Self-Defeating Behavior

28. Chapter 28: Ways the Mind Can Organize Self-Beliefs

Epilogue: The Self: A Summary


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