Dr. Jim Reads About Archaea, Bacteria, and Protists from Brooker on Biology

"In the mid- to late 1800s, Koch established a series of four steps to determine whether a particular organism causes a specific disease. 
  1. The presence of the suspected pathogen must correlate with occurrence of symptoms. 

  2. Page 577The pathogen must be isolated from an infected host and grown in pure culture if possible. 

  3. Cells from the pure culture should cause disease when inoculated into a healthy host. 

  4. The same pathogen should be isolatable from the second infected host. 

Using these steps, known as Koch’s postulates, Koch discovered the bacterial causes of anthrax, cholera, and tuberculosis. Subsequent investigators have used Koch’s postulates to establish the identities of bacterial species that cause other infectious diseases." (p. 577)


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