Grice (1975) wrote that effective human discourse must be cooperative (p. 46). He called it the Cooperative Principle. This principle informs good communication. Grice described cooperative discourse by breaking it down into four constitutive factors: “Quality, Quantity, Relation, and Manner” (Ibid). Hesse (1999) succinctly defined these four features of collaborative discourse as follows: Quality—be truthful, and have evidence for what you say. Quantity—be succinct, and yet complete. Relation—be relevant to the topic at hand. Manner—be clear and orderly. (p. 404). Grice (1975) called Quality a “supermaxim” whose emphasis upon truth includes by implicature to never promote a known falsity. He also called "perspicacity" a "supermaxim" of cooperative communication. By which he meant on the positive side tha...